
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!

フォートレス東京池袋店が誇る国際派の変態、元ニューヨーカーでDJ、HIRO THA JAPです!

Wuddupp? my name‘s HIRO THA JAP, im an ex-NewYorker DJ currently working as a staff at the FORTRESS Ikebukuro Tokyo Japan.

S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!


JSDF`s Type64 battle rifle is the post-war Japan`s first production in military rifles. Japan Self Defence Forces are in theory, not considered "Military forces" as Japanese constitution prohibits "the use of military power". Great irony is here when it is only Japanese people that are actually thinking JSDF is a "non-military" organization. Frankly speaking, i don`t even understand the difference. "Military power" exists primarily for the national defense, to me it`s nothing but the same-old post-war Japanese naivety/insecurity that is trying to somewhat define the "peace loving armament". Still, in this age of "spaceship-earth", Japanese distinctive "Honn-ne(Honesty/true self)" and "Tatemae (a front)" cutural bi-standard is pretty much alive and in heavy effect among these very lonely islanders.

さて、自衛隊の64式小銃はおもしろいようにそんな日本のナイーブさと危うさを表す存在である。機構的には斬新だが実用性と信頼性は低いそのストライカー発火式機構、リコイル&RoF減速機構は軍用銃としてあまりに多すぎる部品点数を産み出し、その複雑さ、難解さは支給された歴代の自衛官の知るところである。フロント&リアサイトは今流行の(lol)可倒式であるが、ロッキングのメカニズムはおろかポジティブなクリックすら無く、すなわち”撃つと倒れる”。 自衛隊の武器を試射した海兵隊のとある隊員達は64式のサイトについての報告に、”これは自衛隊隊員たちに一発必中のシャープシューター精神を教えるためのデザインだ” としたことがある(lol)。 明らかすぎるデザインフェイリヤーであるが、結局、その生産、配備期間を通じて何の改良、改修もなされなかった。 これもまた、日本の保守主義、画一主義が完全に的外れな部分に現れている典型である。
もうひとつの特徴として、64式は、 NATO口径である7.62mmX51 弾用にチャンバリングされているが、自衛隊では、反動が大きすぎるとして装薬を減らした弾薬を採用している、そのため、64式はフルパワーであるはずの弾薬を”半端ワー”で使うことにオプティマイズされた設計となっている。

Anyways, JSDF`s Type64 itself holds much of those naive characteristics within her. it`s mechanically unique but "not so practical" design of striker-firing unit as well as its recoil&RoF reducer increased the total number of internal parts significantly, hated by pretty much anyone issued with it. its front&rear sights are both foldable but without no locking mechanism nor even a positive enough click, therefore failing at almost every shot. Some Japan-stationed Marines when they`ve tried out Type64 at a friendly weapons familierization training, thought that Type 64`s sights are intentionally designed so to teach JSDF soldiers "sharp-shooter discipline". lol In fact it was obviously a design-failure, which has never even been corrected throughout the production time of this rifle. again the prime example of Japanese conservatism and uniformism kicking in at totally wrong spot.. Also noted is that Type64 rifles are calibered in 7.62mmX51 otherwise known as NATO .308 rounds, however the JSDF decided to reduce the charge due to its high recoil, therefore the Type 64 rifles are rather optimized for "NOT full power" NATO (NOT-O?) rounds.
Type64s are largely replaced by the far superior Type89 5.56mm rifles from the frontline services, yet there are still many serving branches of JSDF, notably JNSDF(Japan Naval Self Defence Force).
S&T Type 64 w/ wooden furniture
S&T 64式小銃 木製ファーニチャーが標準装備
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!

Front sight folded
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!

Rear sight folded
S&T Type64 out now!!! / S&T製 64式小銃発売!!


・店舗情報サイト (Tokyo Ikebukuro):http://fortress.tokyo

・Facebook page (Tokyo Ikebukuro):https://www.facebook.com/ikebukuro.fortress

・Twitter (Tokyo Ikebukuro):https://twitter.com/FortressTokyo

エアガン、電動ガン、サバイバルゲームの事なら『FORTRESS WEB SHOP』


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Posted by 要塞東京隊  at 14:49 │Comments(0)HIRO THA JAP
